Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Why not have 10mbps broadband?

UK cable firm NTL today promised to make 10Mbps its standard broadband access speed, and to upgrade existing customers at no extra cost.
The first home surfers in the UK to receive the upgrade will be NTL's current 3Mbps broadband customers.

"By the end of this year they will have a connection of up to 10Mbps, while their
usage allowance will increase from 30GB to 75GB per month," the company stated.

I'm a 3mb customer! :p

Taken from: http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/news/2140877/ntl-10mpbs-broadband-standard


Anonymous said...

Usage allowance?! Uh-oh...

Is 30GB download only or both up/down?

Mark said...

I don't know, but so far they've never enforced it, and i'm sure i must go over the current 30gig a month allowence all the time.

Upping it to 75gig is more generous than i imagine anyone could use in a month, unless they're running a web server or something...

Speaking of webservers, fingers crossed the upload bandwidth will go up in a similar amount. That could mean 3mb up! I'm not holding my breath though. Apart from anything, i don't want to suffocate to death.

Carl said...

Well I frankly want to make people aware of how unbelievably bad Talk Talk broadband is. We have it, our package arrived today and so far it's caused one complete HDD format and Windows re-install. If you get it, it is extremely necessary to firewall the connection before you first connect, I didn't, and it completely destroyed my computer, as people on MSN might have noticed from me signing in and out every 5 minutes

Mark said...

Ouch. I'm thinking you got the Blaster worm or some other worm. It's quite catch-22, because you need to patch your PC before you get it on the 'net, and you need to get it on the 'net to patch your PC.

It's not neccessarily Talk-Talk's fault, but i don't mind you blaming them anyway. I mean they do sponsor Big Brother and Big Brother promotes chav-ism. Entertaining chav-ism, but chav-ism none the less.

Anonymous said...

Well I was going to post this on Ralph's blog in reponse to Mark's comment on his latest entry. But apparently he doesn't like non-blogger types commenting on his blog. :(

Ironic really seeing as my comment was about the possibility of starting a blog myself.


I want a blog too now! The only thing keeping me sane right now is emailing Carl blog-style letters...

Carl said...

Ah I was only haaalf blaming them, see it was technincally my fault, but they didn't advise me to set up a firewall, until I rang technical support (who I have a mixed opinion about, because even though they did nothing to really help me, I lied to him and made him find Linux drivers for the Speedtouch 330. Just to get my money's worth of tech support..). Anyway, he said "Well all that was definitely not included with our software, you probably became infected as soon as you first connected to the internet", which spawned the idea in my head later to set up a firewall.

But that's that. And I like Mark's reasoning about this, so it's Talk Talk's fault

Mark said...

Ugh yeah, ISP tech support is often over-priced and not very techical. In fact i'm pretty sure they are completely non-technical people reading from a script. It's painful when you *need* them to do something, such as arrange for them to come out and swap your broadband modem because it's broken, you have to jump through all their hoops: "ok now have you pulled out the power cable?" "yes" "and did you leave it out for 30 seconds?" "yes" ... etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

Here’s a Broadband Video that will show you how to check availability by postcode, how perform a broadband speed test and where to find broadband forums to answer your questions. There are also offers for TalkTalk Broadband.

Here is a broadband beginners guide and below are common broad band questions;
What is Broadband?
Types of Connections?
Connection speeds and download limits
How to compare ISP’s