Sorry that this blog is turning into a "tales from a rail commuter" but despite all their flaws, the most interesting parts of my day seem to be the train journeys. I have no idea what i'm going to blog about once i'm done with this training in London.
So the train related news today: I was sat on a crowded train near the toilets (not a first class seat clearly, in fact the toilets are probably the best seat on the train, seeing as you get your own private quarters). Aaaanyway, as a gentlemen entered one of the toilets the train pulled away from a station, which caused the door to slam. And wow did everybody around me jump. I didn't quite put it together at first, because i was seated facing the toilets, so i could see it was just the door. But then the cogs turned, and i thought large bang + on a train + recent events (+ thursday).
In other lighter news, today i inadvertandly started a new game (well new to me anyway) on the walk with my friend to the train station on our way home. I've cleverly titled the game "bra or no bra" after i observed at lunch time a definite lack of bras amongst a lot of London women. Contestents have to call it as they see it, such as "definitely not", "definitely" and "probably not, but probably should". Points aren't awarded for creativity, in fact points aren't awarded at all, but creativity certainly isn't discouraged.
Play it today, in a town near you.
*ahem*yes, I should *cough* try that game.
I think I'll choose not to try it out here in Glasgow, as it may warp my brain :-)
That game has been added to the list of "no music-playing device" games to play whilst walking. However I think you might have just given a name to something I do anyway...
A slightly less pervy, and therefore less exciting game I made up two days ago in this situation was actually very similar. I call it "car or no car". Ok well I only call it that because of your game. It simply involved looking at every car you see (or parked cars on busy roads) and simply making a Yes or No decision on whether you'd want it or not.
I had a Maybe category but that soon beat the Yeses and Noes (sp?!), so I eliminated that one. I finally came up with a game show thing in my imagination.
The situation is: you're going to win a car. What you have to do is decide which one it is. A Yes answer in this "car or no car" game would be one you'd stop on. Anything else is a now. So if you might like a Ford Focus if someone gave you one right now, you wouldn't be tempted enough to pick that over the other nice cars that might be available.
I don't think I've explained this very well. I think the best thing I can do is SHUT UP.
I knew you would PervKev! :P
I must say I must try it out myself!
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