Saturday, September 03, 2005

Where are they now?: Venger

You may or may not remember the 80s cartoon Dungeons and Dragons, It featured this motley crew of misfits:

As far as i remember it they'd become trapped in the mystical land of Dungeons and Dragons, and each week had a series of adventures that usually ended up in them fighting a real evil looking guy called Venger (who was probably only really annoyed because someone had stolen his other horn):

Grr. Scary. At the end of every adventure they'd have fought for a chance to walk through a magic doorway to get home, but would always have to just miss out on that chance to save something lame like the annoying baby unicorn character (which in truth was a lamb with a cone glued to it's head, but that's a side issue).

Why am i bringing all this to your attention you might wonder. And quite rightly so. Well, i was researching where the characters (read: voices) of Dungeons and Dragons the cartoon were today. And i was most amused to see that Venger is still very much in employment. He plays Eeyore in the latest series of Winnie the Pooh movies.

Ultimate evil to donkey without a tail. No wonder he's so depressed.

Don't believe me? Well i'm offended, but see for yourself:


Dan said...

I think I vaguely remember this as one of the progams I didn't like when I was younger, so much in fact that I would rather turn the TV off than watch it. And this is before computers!

Dan said...

Moooore entries! I keep checking to find nothing. :(